Welcoming friends Earthwide!

Welcoming friends Earthwide!

An adolescent female Golden Retriever meditates at dusk with a grown Silk Floss Tree and blue sky in the background


“I am more gentle than I am giant, as sensitive as I am sapling.” says Promise.

An hour & 15 minute virtual session of Self-Care with Promise for human friends of all ages - from sapling to "grown-up" - who might seek to:

Friends who seek to relax and restore can find companions in their Therapy Dog, Promise, and her human friend Zoe who became attuned in Reiki - the gentle art of stress relief - to care for Promise as she healed from chronic illness during early puppyhood.

Promise sought the restorative benevolence of her tree friends in nature to practice gentleness with herself as she healed (she likens her growth to that of a sapling), and now in THE TREE SESSION she guides with Zoe, helps other friends Earthwide find gentleness, too, with K9 Therapy, Earth-Inspired Somatics & Distant Reiki.

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The Tree Session

1 hour & 15 minute virtual session for human friends of all ages, from sapling to “grown-up”

How sessions are facilitated virtually & accessibly…

Regular price $75.00 USD

Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation

“Tenderness. The first feeling that comes to mind in my experience of a session by Promise and Zoe. 

Tender, expansive, containing. A safe cocoon to explore… and perhaps my favorite part: to receive reflection from such kind and insightful souls. You'd be hardpressed to find two more generous and thoughtful beings. Promise's golden coat is indicative of her energy. Both of theirs I should say. I love that everything is brought back to connection with Earth and oneself. I can imagine few greater aspirations. It is really special to experience something so unique and connective."

A bright Bush Gold Iceplant blossoms in the sunshine

“The session by healing animal Promise and human healer Zoe was extraordinary.

Zoe and Promise delivered incredibly encouraging and transformative messages for me, the Reiki sweeping away my hesitations and opening new doors. The experience was remarkably powerful; even though it was conducted remotely, I could feel the energy as if they were right here with me. I still sense my body vibrating with a higher frequency, even though it has been a week since the session."

A white Lily flower blooms

“Promise and Zoe were gentle and kind friends during the session together.

They were attentive and sensitive to me without any judgement. Their warmth and kindness spoke to my intentions and they encouraged me to grow in myself. I appreciated how patient and loving Zoe and Promise were when they asked about my intentions and consent. I felt open and secure enough to be vulnerable! I love how Promise maintained her playful creativity and sense of humor while connecting with me! Promise is so gifted and intuitive. The session was nourishing, and I genuinely feel more willing to practice watering myself."

A Himalayan fleabane, a small flower with a bright gold center and lilac-colored thin petals, blossoms


An adolescent female Golden Retriever smiles as she looks up at a monarch butterfly flying overhead


Cocooning for beings experiencing a transformation, otherwise known as a growth spurt

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Promise's arms reach overhead, making the shape of a sprouting flower, as yellow and red African Daises sprout around her


Nourishment for seedlings yearning to blossom as their Authentic Selves

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An adolescent female Golden Retriever and Therapy Dog rests her head by a senior black and white Cockapoo's paw to comfort her. Behind them are Black Eyed Susans.


Companion care for animals of all species and support for their human friends, too

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